A brilliant article, this one. So true. So vulnerable. So painfully close to home.
I think I can say yes to most of your core questions. Except the one about sleep: 2024 was hands-down my worst year for non-child-related sleep deprivation.
This reflection resonated a lot, Cass, especially around feeling frustrated (and alarmed) by what's happening and trying to figure out how to make a difference. Post-election here in the US, I'm definitely committed more than ever to my own activist work, and I am also deeply questioning my assumptions about how collective transformation toward justice will actually happen - what are the most effective leverage points? do things really have to collapse before the new will emerge? And to what extent, because it feels like we're at rockbottom and yet things keep getting worse? I don't have doubt that we will ultimately move toward justice (maybe I'm delusional too), but I am questioning in a renewed way what the path to it will actually look like and feeling like in 2025, I want to have a much more open mind and greater curiosity about how to get to the world we know is possible.
Thank you for sharing! The frustration and fear is definitely shared - and maybe provokes some very needed reflect and doubt within our movements about what the most effective next steps are.
A brilliant article, this one. So true. So vulnerable. So painfully close to home.
I think I can say yes to most of your core questions. Except the one about sleep: 2024 was hands-down my worst year for non-child-related sleep deprivation.
Thank you! Here's to better sleep in 2025 :)
You’re writing feels like I’m reading my own thoughts!!! Such a joy to read. Thank you for sharing. 🙏
Thank you!
This reflection resonated a lot, Cass, especially around feeling frustrated (and alarmed) by what's happening and trying to figure out how to make a difference. Post-election here in the US, I'm definitely committed more than ever to my own activist work, and I am also deeply questioning my assumptions about how collective transformation toward justice will actually happen - what are the most effective leverage points? do things really have to collapse before the new will emerge? And to what extent, because it feels like we're at rockbottom and yet things keep getting worse? I don't have doubt that we will ultimately move toward justice (maybe I'm delusional too), but I am questioning in a renewed way what the path to it will actually look like and feeling like in 2025, I want to have a much more open mind and greater curiosity about how to get to the world we know is possible.
Thank you for sharing! The frustration and fear is definitely shared - and maybe provokes some very needed reflect and doubt within our movements about what the most effective next steps are.
Happy new year, Cass! You are an inspiration - and according to the theory of Quantum Social Change, what you do (or don't do) matters more than you think: https://quantumsocialchange.substack.com/p/an-invitation
Thank you so much! It was so lovely to meet you earlier this year in Barcelona, you are also an inspiration!
Thanks! Igualment :) Do look me up next time you're in town.
Happy new year! Metrics usually shared on linkedin are worthless.
What you are doing is incredibly important to the real world, and something that we all should do more!