In New Zealand, one of the most valuable contributions you can make in your backyard is trap invasive predatory mammals. New Zealand had no predatory mammals before humans introduced them, and they've devastated our native birds. But when those predators are controlled, the birds recover. Now, you can even find endangered species in New Zealand cities. I found out that there is a community group doing predatory control in my neighbourhood and I interviewed the coordinator for an article I'm writing. And I've volunteered to have a trap in my backyard as well.

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I alway make sure you leave some area of the garden wild (no cutting the grass or weeding). This helps pollinators, especially in early spring when often dandelion are their only food source in the UK, I have happily spent many a spring morning watching a bullfinch or a bee feasting on the wee plant!

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I've just moved, so I'm researching different community organizations I can join to take climate action

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