I personally believe women are expected to do it all and not say a word about it, I have had a ridiculous amount put on my should on top of being a stay home mom and even when I worked it was bad too, I’m raising two children plus caring for four cats and a dog plus housework on top of pursuing my own crafts and hobbies but when I get sick I all of a sudden can’t get the help I need.

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You're not alone! Around the world women have been picking up more care work. Thank you for sharing <3

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Brilliant topic, well explored. Thank you. A while back the Dalai Lama said the world will be changed (or saved?) by Western women. I won’t presume to say what he meant but for me, it’s about empathy combined with our enormous privilege. I have much internalized misogyny to overcome but I won’t let that stop me.

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